Friday, July 25, 2008

Using the Tools of Feng Shui

The Bagua is a most fair and practical way of applying the philosophical principles of the I Ching or what is also referred to as "The Book of Changes" to Feng Shui.
It is more than well and accepted that shape itself has an effect, which is noticeable as well as well documented, on the flow of energy and balance. It can be best said and described that Bagua itself, used like a map, can be applied to your plot or land, your house, your rooms and even down to the detail of the arrangement of your furniture.
Indeed , for many centuries , if not millennia , the Chinese have consulted the I Ching , or "Book of Changes" to give insight, as well as hope and support into situations , places, people and relationships in what can be said to be very similar , if not identical to the same way and means that other cultures used , and continue to use other insightful vehicles and measures as Tarot cards, horoscopes , runes and astrology.
The basis of I Ching, towards an understanding of its rules and basics are trigrams which indicate the degrees of yin and yang as well as the ideas of constant cyclical change and changes. Indeed this has been referred to and summarized as the "eight stages of life". In its simplest explanation the octagonal shape of the eight trigrams with unbroken lines represent yang, and broken lines represent yin and is called a or the "Bagua".
Thus the Bagua represents the eight directions - the eight trigrams of the I Ching. Each of these represents the eight life situations - prosperity, fame, relationships, creative energy, travel and helpful people, career, knowledge, family and health - with the taiji (tai chi) in the middle, represented best and most simply and straightforwardly the yin/yang symbol of complimentary opposites.
How can the Bagua best be used and its teachings and insights used?
By placing the Bagua over a plan of your home or room you can best identify your own particular problem areas. Next step about balancing these particular areas of concern and discord. For example you can activate the relationships corner of your home or bedroom, if you are single and unattached in a relationship, at this moment yet looking for or actively seeking a relationship in your life. In the case of seeking to prosper in business you can choose to place your cash register in the designated wealth area of your business area. All you need to do now is to wait for the profits, and thus prosperity to roll along and in.
To apply the Bagua effectively you will need a plan of your home drawn to scale. It is best to purchase actual graph paper as this will make your task, your planning and implementation significantly easier as well as thorough. First designate the "center" and the "front". The" front door" can be said to be qi enters your block of land, home, office or room. Its position will help you determine where the Bagua should be placed. The front door will always fall in one of three areas. Depending on whether your door is in the center (career choices), to the right of center as you are facing it (travel as well as helpful people) or lastly to the left (knowledge as well as wise intuition).
Feng Shui.
Morris E. Brown []Bridal Shops Winnipeg Manitoba []Extended Stay Hotel Rooms Winnipeg

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